Water and wastewater treatment needs are unique to each community.  At SE, we provide the technical expertise needed to design conventional solutions as well as innovative approaches to the most complex challenges.  Our team of professionals are at the forefront of incorporating state-of-the-art technologies into water and wastewater treatment systems.  Conventional or complex, we develop cost-effective solutions to fit your specific needs.

Water & Wastewater Projects

Waste Water Civil Engineering
S20-A WWTF 3
S20-A WWTF 2
Waste Water Civil Engineering
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S20-A WWTF 3
S20-A WWTF 2
Waste Water Civil Engineering
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D’Iberville Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, D’Iberville, MS

Seymour Engineering was hired by Harrison County Utility Authority to develop a new 1.5 MGD wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) and access road.  It was funded by the Gulf Regional Disaster Recover Non-Emergency CDBG Program at a cost of $14 million. 

SE performed design, surveying, and construction management services for this project.

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D’Iberville Wastewater Transmission & Lift Station D’Iberville, MS

The scope consisted of construction of a new lift station and 7 miles of transmission and effluent line for the new wastewater facility.  A topographic survey and boundary survey were performed for engineering design and acquisition surveys were completed for the widening of the existing right-of-way.

SE performed design, surveying, and construction management services for this project.

Rudy Moran 2
Rudy Moran 1
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Rudy Moran 2
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Rudy Moran Water Tower and Rehabilitation, D’Iberville, MS

SE performed design, surveying, and construction management for the construction of a new 200,000 gallon water tank with a 12″ water main for the City of D’Iberville.  The project was completed in 2001.

In 2014, the tower was in need of rehabilitation work.  SE oversaw the project which included, blasting and priming, an intermediate coat, a final coat, and various equipment upgrades. 

Hwy. 57 1
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Hwy. 57 1
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Highway 57 Utilities Relocation Project, Gautier, MS

This project consisted of relocating the City of Gautier’s water and sewer utilities to the outer limits of the MDOT’s acquired ROW.  It consisted of relocating 2,200 LF of varying sized gravity sewer, 800 LF of sewer force main, and 100 LF of water main and tying back into the existing utilities which included a force main and sewer pumping station.

Tuxachanie Water Well 1
Tuxachanie Water Well 2
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Tuxachanie Water Well 1
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Tuxachanie Estates Water System Improvements, D’Iberville, MS

The scope of work consisted of the design and construction of a new 750 GPM water well and centralized water distribution system to accommodate an existing residential community previously served by individual shallow water wells.  This project was funded by the Community Development Block Grant CDBG Program.

Bemis 1
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Bemis Avenue Sewer Improvements, Gautier, MS

Sewer overflows which have occurred inside residential homes and yards was corrected by the installation of a new 8” PVC gravity sewer main, serving the residential homes on Bemis Avenue.  The rehabilitation of an existing pump station was also included in the scope of work.

SE performed design, surveying, and construction management services for this project.

Hwy. 15 Sportsplex 2
Hwy. 15 Sportsplex 2
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Hwy. 15 Sportsplex 2
Hwy. 15 Sportsplex 2
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Highway 15 North Water & Sewer Extension, D’Iberville, MS

SE designed upgrades for two existing lift stations; installation of new water lines; gravity sewer lines;  and sanitary sewer force main.   Jack and bore was also performed.

SE performed design, surveying, and construction management services for this project.

DH Lift Station 17 1
DH Lift Station 17 2
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DH Lift Station 17 1
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Lift Station #17 Pump Station & Force Main, Diamondhead, MS

This project consisted of the design and construction of a new 250 GPM sewer pumping station and 1,100 LF of 6” sewer force main to alleviate operational deficiencies within the DWSD’s sewer system during rain events.

SE performed engineering desgn, surveying, and construction management services.

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Lift Station #13 Force Main, Diamondhead, MS

This work included the design and construction of 4,800 LF of a new 8” sewer force main for an existing sewer pump station.  The project was intended to relocate an existing, undersized force main and prevent sanitary sewer overflows that frequently occurred during rain events.

SE performed engineering desgn, surveying, and construction management services.